Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Key to Success...

Acceptance, is a word that can be defined as the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered; favorable reception; approval; favor. It is a word used often in society. One must be accepted before attending college, science club or even the military. Meaning, until the organization agrees that basic requirements are met, you are not getting in. This now puts you at a standstill. Learning this concept changed my life.

Growing up, I was a very curious individual, especially when it came to adults. I couldn’t figure out why they were always so stressed out. How can you stress about everyday life? Something was always a worry. What should I cook? What time will the family be home? Did I pay that bill? What college should I attend? Will I ever fall in love? I couldn’t believe being an adult had so many everyday choices, that could stress an individual out.

As I grew into an adult, I realized that people worried way too much. Stress should never reach the point in which, having to seek medical treatment, is an option. The only thing that anyone can control in this world, is their own actions. No matter what advice or suggestions given to an individual, it is their choice to act in a certain manner. Once an individual finds acceptance in this, life moves a lot smoother. I use to stress out about: being late to work, forgetting to pay a bill, what my sons were doing while I am out the house. One evening, I came home with the worst migraine. My fiancĂ© looked at me and asked what was wrong? I began to explain myself. Well, I was late to work because of traffic, I only got half a lunch break, apparently I forgot to pay my phone bill, and now I have a migraine. “So, why are you so stressed?” he replied.

Although clearly, he was being a wise guy, I couldn’t help but think about it. It wasn’t my fault there was an accident on the highway causing a traffic jam. But even if it was my fault, it had already happened, so what could I do about it now? I know not paying a phone bill can result in late charges, but if I forgot, I forgot! Not having a full lunch break sucked! I made plans to run to the bank, before catching a bite to eat on my lunch break. Didn’t look like that was happening! I ended up stuffing my face as fast as I could because I spent the first half, of my already shortened lunch, not accepting the things I couldn't change. By the time I got off, it was too late, the bank had already closed. Once again, there was nothing that I could do, it was out of my control. So, why was I stressing so bad?  I see now, that it was because I wasn’t accepting things that happen, for what they were.

There is no point, in stressing over something that you cannot change. No amount of stress will give you the results you want. Once you accept that some things are out of your control, life gets less tense. Who cares what is for dinner? Accept the fact, that dinner might not be appealing for everyone. If you show up to work late on a busy day, accept it for what it is, and keep it moving. Stressing, about not having enough time to finish tasks at work, isn’t going to give you that time back. So, why worry? If your fiancĂ© cheats on you, stressing, won’t change the fact that you just got cheated on. Accept what just happened so that you can move pass it and continue life. 

Acceptance, is key to living a less stressful life. I use to be a very hostile, confrontational individual until I grew into acceptance of society. I use to believe everyone had “common sense” and manners. I realized, after continuous confrontations, everyone had different point of views on topics. Why fight over it? It just doesn’t make sense to waste the little time we have left on earth. Not accepting things for their worth, does nothing, but complicate life. Try to worry less about the little things and enjoy life. If you can’t change it, don’t stress it. Everything will work itself out. And with that being said, I leave you with this quote, “Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.” ~Arthur Rubinstein


1 comment:

  1. Great discussion here, Vanessa. I think you make an excellent point. I am certainly guilty of living too stressed too often and it doesn't do me any good. I hope this is something that, like you, I can learn to let go of a bit more. A very thoughtful piece. And, I love the quote at the end. Thanks for sharing!
